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Showing 1-30 of 59 items.
Bachl, Christian
Supervisor of Video Studio DesignBahr, Christian
Vice dean Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Bergmann, Kai, Prof.
Research Assistant DesignBilger, Rebecca, M.A.
Women´s Representative Design
Member of the faculty council Design
Binger, Doris, Prof. Dr.
Supervisor of Laboratory Layout and Print DesignBommas, Barbara
Faculty Coordinator DesignBrünig, Magda
Program Coordinator Identity Design (MA)
Faculty Academic Advisor Communication Design (BA)
Bufler, Stefan, Prof., MA(RCA)
Contact Person for Bicyclists
Supervisor of Laboratory Layout and Print Design
Bux, Tanja
Erbsner, Sophie
Member of the faculty council DesignFleischmann, Ulrich, Prof.
Fokuhl, Jörg, Dipl. Designer (FH)
Glauer, Lisa
Member of the faculty council Design
Program Coordinator Communication Design (BA)
Göldner, Maurice, Prof.
Gurevich, Slawa
Hefele, Jürgen, M.A.
Supervisor of Laboratory Print DesignHeinrich, Manfred
Hermann, Daniel
Hersberger, Catherine
Supervisor of Laboratory Layout and Print DesignHorndasch, Andrea
Research Assistant Hybrid Things Lab
Research Assistant Design
Hradecsni, Mathias, Dipl. Ing. (FH)
Research Assistant DesignHüetlin, Simone
Faculty Academic Advisor Interactive Media Systems (M.A.)
Head of UX-Lab Design
John, KP Ludwig, Prof.
Head of the Examination Board Identity Design (MA)Jörg, Carolin, Prof.
Karl, Sabine
Kassnel-Henneberg, Erika
Secretary DesignKiefer, Karin
Kitzer, Hedwig
Secretary DesignKlückers, Tanja
Kranzfelder, Ivo, Dr.