FAQ on examinations
Frequently asked questions about exams at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Examination registration, period and deadlines
When do the examinations take place?
There is no firmly defined examination period at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg. The examination dates and their publication are determined by the Examination Committee in agreement with the deans of the faculties. The times and dates of individual examinations are usually announced four weeks and no less than two weeks before the start of the examination period.
When do I need to register for the examinations?
The registration period for admission to the examinations is determined by the Examination Committee at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg no more than two weeks after the beginning of the semester. This period is usually two weeks from the end of April until mid-May for summer semester examinations and two weeks from the end of October until mid-November for winter semester examinations. You will be notified of the exact dates in the semester dates, which are published regularly. You can access the semester dates here: Semester dates
Where do I register for examinations?
Examination registration is done online on the administration portal of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg.
What examination do I have to take by when?
The dates are defined in the respective study and examination regulations and in the associated curricula.
It can be defined in Bachelor programs that specific foundation and orientation examinations need to be completed (i.e. taken) by the end of the second semester. If this deadline is exceeded, the examination that was not taken is initially assessed as failed. Refer to the relevant study and examination regulations to see whether this is the case in your study program.
Furthermore, in many study programs, a minimum number of credits is a prerequisite to continue studying in a higher semester. Refer to the individual study and examination regulations for more details.
What does the foundation and orientation examination phase consist of in my study program?
The study and examination regulations define the examination(s) of which the foundation and orientation assessment consists for each study program individually.
What happens if I exceed the maximum study duration?
If you exceed the regular study duration by more than two semesters without having passed all examinations for the study program, the Bachelor or Master examination is initially considered failed. The maximum duration of study is therefore 9 semesters (7 plus 2 semesters overrun) for full-time Bachelor programs and 5 semesters (3 plus 2 semesters overrun) for full-time Master programs.
What can I do to prevent a failing grade due to exceeding the maximum duration of study?
It is possible to apply to the responsible Examination Committee to extend the maximum study duration. The Examination Committee will send corresponding "warning letters" at the start of the 9th semester (or 5th semester respectively). The corresponding form provided by the University must be used to apply for this (can be found in the Form center).
Can I deregister from an examination?
During the registration period, you can deregister yourself simply and any time via the administration server.
Deregistering is no longer possible after the registration phase. However, if you registered for an examination and do not turn up, this is classed as a valid withdrawal.
Caution: This does NOT apply to examinations that must be taken due to a fail or missing a deadline; these will be graded 5.0 if they are not taken.
Examinations are deemed to have started as soon as the assignment has been issued. In this case, withdrawal is only possible with a written application and for reasons which cannot be avoided by the student (e.g. illness).
What happens if I do not turn up to an examination I have registered for?
If it is your first attempt to take this examination, not turning up to the examination is classed as a valid withdrawal. However, this does NOT apply to examinations that must be taken due to a fail or missing a deadline. These will be graded 5.0 in the event of non-attendance.
Admission to examinations
Are there admission requirements for examinations?
Yes, certain admission requirements must be met in some cases. Please refer to the study and examination regulations of the respective study program for these requirements.
How do I find out if I have been admitted to an examination?
The Examination Office checks whether you have been admitted to examinations for which you registered. If this is not the case, the Examination Office will inform you in writing.
Examination cancelation and inability to take an exam
I have registered for an examination, but I am ill. What do I need to do if I cannot take part in the examination for this reason?
If you registered for an examination and do not turn up, this is classed as a valid withdrawal if it is your first attempt to take this examination.
This does NOT apply to examinations that must be taken due to a fail or missing a deadline. In this case, you need to apply to withdraw from the examination due to illness without delay. The corresponding form provided by the University must be used for this (in the Form center). This form serves as a template for an application to extend the deadline to take an examination. A qualified medical certificate must be included to substantiate the claim. For more detailed information, refer to our information sheet on inability to take examinations (can be found in the Form center).
What requirements does the medical certificate have to meet?
The question of whether inability to take an examination due to illness applies is a legal one. Therefore, the University must make this decision. For this purpose, the University requires a medical certificate that allows it to answer this legal question based on the information provided by a medical expert. It is not sufficient to submit a simple sick note or a certificate from the student's doctor merely declaring the student unfit to take an examination. Rather, the certificate must describe the symptoms in such a concrete and comprehensible manner that the University can conclude whether the student was actually unable to take the examination on the relevant day.
The submitted certificate must contain at least the following information:
- Date of the medical check on which the certificate is based, which corresponds to the day of the examination
- Start of illness
- Prognosis of illness duration
- Exact description of the physical and/or mental symptoms and their effect on ability
Doctor's signature and doctor's office stamp
Can I break off an examination?
A student can break off an examination for health reasons. This must be reported to the invigilator, the examination papers must be handed in and a note must be made in the examination record. In this case, please consult a doctor on the day of the examination and submit the application to extend the examination deadline, including the qualified certificate, to the secretary's office of your faculty without delay. This applies regardless of whether it is your first time taking an examination or a repeat attempt. Invoking inability to take an examination due to illness is not possible after the examination result has been announced.
Examination results and repeat rules
How and when will I get my examination results?
The grades will be announced via the online portal of the University. You can refer to the semester dates to find out when that will happen.
In the case of failed examinations and missed deadlines, you will receive a written notice from the Examination Office in addition.
How and when can I view my examinations?
Examination viewing takes place primarily for students who did not pass their examinations - on 14 February for the winter semester and on 26 July for the summer semester. If these days fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the dates move accordingly. For all other students, the faculties can define corresponding dates at the beginning of the new semester. The exact dates will be announced by the faculties.
I failed an examination. When and how often can I retake it?
If an examination is graded 5.0, it can be retaken twice. Retaking for the third time is only permissible for maximum one examination.
The deadline for repeat examinations is six months, i.e. examinations must be retaken in the following semester. The examination will be graded 5.0 in the event of non-attendance.
If the Master or Bachelor thesis receives the grade 5.0, the thesis can be repeated with a new topic once. The period allowed to work on the repeated thesis starts no later than six months after the first grade is announced.
Am I automatically registered for the repeat examinations?
No, you need to register for repeat examinations also.
Caution: If you cannot take the repeat examination before the deadline, you make submit an application to extend the deadline. It is not enough to simply not register for the examination.
I cannot take the repeat examination within the set time because, for example, the module is only offered every second semester or I am on a semester abroad. Can the deadlines for repeating examinations be extended?
In general, the deadlines for taking repeat examinations are not interrupted by a leave of absence or exmatriculation. If you are unable to take an examination before the deadline, it is possible to apply to the responsible Examination Committee for an extension. You can find the corresponding form in the Form Center.
Can I appeal an examination result?
Yes, you can appeal an examination result in writing to the Examination Office within one month after the grade is announced. For more information, refer to the information on rights to appeal in the notice. If you do not receive a notice (in the case of passing grades), you have one year after the announcement of the result. If you have more questions on appeals, please contact the Department of Academic Affairs (contact partner Ms. Eden-Klemm).
Contact us
Examination Office
Tuesday to Thursday 9:00 - 12:00
Room: A 2.05
Outside opening hours you can reach us by phone or e-mail.
Examination Office
An der Hochschule 1
86161 Augsburg
Mailing address: pramt@tha.de