Required Elective
Seminar (AWP)
not at the moment
4 CP
Decimal Grade
Die Einstufung richtet sich nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GERS).
Startniveau: A0
Zielniveau: A1-
Sie sind sich nicht sicher, welches Niveau Sie haben? Hier geht es zum Selbsteinstufungstest.
This German language course is for our international exchange students. It's a beginners' course for students with NO knowledge of German. All four language skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking) will be practised on the basis of the following topics: "getting to know other people", "in the German language course", "shopping", "family" and "time and daily routines". These grammar skills will be covered:
- verbs in present and past tense
- nouns and noun markers
- prepositions
- declarative and interrogative sentences
Oral and written communicative skills will be practiced with the aid of the above mentioned topics from daily life.
Recommended literature
Ja genau! A1, Bd.1, Cornelsen Verlag
Work Load
60 h Lehrveranstaltung; 30 x 90 Minuten.