The word cloud is so easy


For brainstorming during the lecture, a query can be carried out with the word cloud. Here we show you how to do it.

To be able to create a word cloud, you must first join the respective lecture.

Prepare word cloud


❶ The “word cloud” can be found in the activity overview.

Frage eingeben

❷ The question can then be entered.

Wortwolke starten

❸ Click on “Create” to generate a draft of the word cloud.

Wortwolke im Entwurf

❹ You can now prepare further activities or start the word cloud.


Perform word cloud

Wortwolke starten

❶ Click on the “Start” button to activate the word cloud for students.

Wortwolke aktiv

❷ The students now have the opportunity to write their answers.

Wortwolke Antworten

❸ A word cloud is created from the answers.

Darstellung Liste

❹ A slider can then be used to switch between list and cloud.

Antwort gelöscht

❺ Individual answers can be deleted using the recycle bin icon.

Wortwolke beenden

❻ To end the word cloud, simply click the “Stop” button.


If you have any questions about the word cloud, we are happy to help:
