THA on Discovery Tour in France
Exchange with the Université Catholique de l'Ouest
The focus of the teaching units was particularly on acquiring knowledge away from the textbook on topics such as French youth and colloquial language, idiomatic expressions and everyday and university life. This took place through direct exchange with French students during the bilingual teaching units or through interviews outside the campus.
In addition to the lessons, the varied social program definitely offered something for everyone: we had the opportunity to prove our sporting talent in an intergenerational game of boules with the locals. The foodies among us enjoyed a wine tasting in Saumur and a guided tour of the chocolaterie in Candé. Technology fans were also amazed by the impressive “Machines de l'île”, a giant moving sculpture elephant. But it was the games evening and the international dinner that many of us will remember as highlights.
A project like this would not have been possible without the generous support of the Franco-German Youth Office. For this reason, we would like to say a big thank you to the DFJW. We would also like to thank the UCO for the warm welcome in Angers and Nantes as well as Andrea, Ana Maria and Christopher, who accompanied and supported us during the week.
Last but not least, we would like to thank our lecturer Marie-Hélène. We really appreciate how much effort you put into the project. You managed to put together a great program that gave us a better insight into French culture and language. In addition, this project has created friendships both within our group and with the French students, which will certainly continue after the exchange.
We are already looking forward to future exchange projects and continuing our great collaboration with the UCO!
Ayeh (Marketing Management Digital), Elias (Mechatronics), Eric (International Information Systems), Hannah and Roman (Architecture), Hannes, Janina and Maya (International Management), Johanna, Katharina and Luis (International Industrial Engineering), Lucia (Mechanical Engineering) and Sarah (Civil Engineering)