The link collection is so simple


Different options can be selected and changed in the link collection:

Edit link collection

Linksammlung öffnen

❶ The icon for the link collection is located to the left of the home button.

Editiermodus öffnen

❷ Click on the pencil to go to edit mode.


Delete link

Linkmenü öffnen

❶ The individual link can be edited by clicking on the three dots.

Löschen wählen

❷ Select Delete to remove the selected link.


Add your own link

Link hinzufügen

❶ Select “Add link”.

Link hinzufügen

❷ Enter the URL and name of the link in the pop-up window.

Farbe wählen

❸ Optional: Select a color.


❹ Click “Save” and the link has been added.


Add a link from a set

Link hinzufügen

❶ Select “Add link”.

Menü öffnen

❷ Open menu.

Link auswählen

❸ Select the desired link from the set.


❹ Click “Save” and the link has been added.


Edit link

Link editieren

❶ The individual link can be edited by clicking on the three dots.

Editieren wählen

❷ Select “Edit

Farbe wählen

❸ For example, select a different color.


❹ Click “Save” and save the changes.