September 2023
  • Our team attends the MINT-Symposium, taking place in Nuremberg from September 21st to 22nd, contributing not only a conference paper on the development of the Campus App but also a poster for the poster session.

  • Title:
    Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg

  • Publication:
    List, C., Wagner, L., Fasel, B., Neubert, D., Prochaska, A., and Kipp, M. (2023).Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg. In Tagungsband zum 5. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern (pp. 255-264). Nuremberg.
September 2023
  • Our team attends the MINT-Symposium, taking place in Nuremberg from September 21st to 22nd, contributing not only a conference paper on the development of the Campus App but also a poster for the poster session.

  • Title:
    Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg

  • Publication:
    List, C., Wagner, L., Fasel, B., Neubert, D., Prochaska, A., and Kipp, M. (2023).Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg. In Tagungsband zum 5. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern (pp. 255-264). Nuremberg.
App Redesign Mockup
September 2023
  • Our team attends the MINT-Symposium, taking place in Nuremberg from September 21st to 22nd, contributing not only a conference paper on the development of the Campus App but also a poster for the poster session.

  • Title:
    Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg

  • Publication:
    List, C., Wagner, L., Fasel, B., Neubert, D., Prochaska, A., and Kipp, M. (2023).Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg. In Tagungsband zum 5. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern (pp. 255-264). Nuremberg.
Mint-Poster zur Campus-App
September 2023
  • Our team attends the MINT-Symposium, taking place in Nuremberg from September 21st to 22nd, contributing not only a conference paper on the development of the Campus App but also a poster for the poster session.

  • Title:
    Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg

  • Publication:
    List, C., Wagner, L., Fasel, B., Neubert, D., Prochaska, A., and Kipp, M. (2023).Next-Level Lernen und Lehren: Die Campus-App der TH Augsburg. In Tagungsband zum 5. Symposium zur Hochschullehre in den MINT-Fächern (pp. 255-264). Nuremberg.
May 2023
  • Our app has new features! With the mood barometer and the word cloud, our Campus App adds two additional functions that allow lecturers to launch an interactive query or capture a mood picture with students in real-time during lectures.
March 2023
  • In the summer semester of 2023, students and lecturers from four faculties participate in a pilot deployment to use the Campus App in their lectures and daily studies. During specific kickoff sessions, students receive an initial introduction to using the app. The gP cycle team attends the first lectures and conducts short user tests using methods such as guerrilla testing to gather valuable feedback and further optimize the app. By June, the lecturers will use the Campus App to apply teaching methods such as Peer Instruction.

  • We are eager to see the results of the test and look forward to the ideas and suggestions for improvement from the participants. We would like to thank all involved for their support and constructive feedback. Special thanks go to Professors Peter Cocron, Barbara Eschner, Sarah Hatfield, Phillip Heidegger, Simone Kubowitsch, and Thomas Osterland for their tremendous support and use of the Campus App in their lectures.
February 2023
November 2022
  • Prototype 1 is actively used in a lecture for the first time! Corinna List leads students of the Interactive Media course live through the application and puts every detail of the available features through its paces.
August 2022
  • Under the supervision of Prof. Kai Bergmann, students of the Interactive Media course in the 4th semester developed extensive drafts of a potential interface and interaction design as well as first clickable prototypes of the emerging campus app. On the left is the design of the 1st place winners, Kristina Namajuschka, Melisa Sener and Miriam Stemmer. On the right is the app design of the second-place winners, Marcel Mayr, Alexander Ott, Raphael Frühauf and Nick Fredel.


Prototyp 1
June 2022
  • The first three features are being further developed in the first app prototype as a progressive web app:
    • Timetable
    • Canteen schedule
    • Live lecture mode (pic: on the left)
May 2022
  • The project team conducts the first retrospective, which, according to Scrum, serves to reflect on the past sprint and to make potential improvements in the collaboration visible. From then on, the retrospective takes place at regular intervals, every 6 to 8 weeks.
April 2022
  • Lena Wagner, research assistant in the gP cycle project, starts design thinking workshops with students.
March 2022
  • During the first expert round, the project team gets feedback from Prof. Phillip Heidegger and peerigon owner Johannes Ewald regarding the technical setup and development plan according to Scrum.
February 2022
  • Scrum is introduced as a framework for technical development.
Daniel und Corinna
December 2021
  • The software developers Daniel Neubert and Corinna List start working on the gP cycle project.