Profile settings are so easy


Various options can be selected and changed in the profile settings:

To the profile

Profil öffnen

❶ The icon for the profile is located on the far right.


Upload profile picture

Profilbild editieren

❶ You can edit the profile picture by clicking on the pencil.

Profilbild hochladen

❷ Select “Upload new profile picture”.


Language settings

Einstellungen öffnen

❶ Open the settings menu.

Sprachmenü öffnen

❷ Open menu and select language.

Englische Oberfläche

❸ Done!


Select color scheme

Einstellungen öffnen

❶ Open the settings menu.

Farbschema wählen

❷ Click on the desired color scheme.

Select color scheme

Dark Mode

❶ Open the settings menu.