Acute crisis situations
For acute emergencies and crisis situations, we recommend the following contact points
- Crisis services Bavaria : 0800 / 655 3000, daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (telephone advice and crisis relief, on request placement in outpatient and inpatient facilities and mobile assignments on site)
- Stiftung Deutsche Depressions Hilfe : The nationwide information telephone Depression: 0800 3344533, is intended to show those affected and relatives to contact points in the care system.
- Ecumenical telephoneSeelsorge Augsburg : 0800/111 01 11 or 0800/111 02 22, around the clock and free of charge (telephone advice and e-mail advice in real time)
Offers of the Central Student Advisory Service of the Technical University of Augsburg
Psychosocial counselling service of the Central Student Counselling
Contents of psychosocial counselling
In psychosocial counselling, you can discuss your current living and study situation, develop possible options for difficulties or stresses that arise and, if necessary, receive information on further assistance.
Our offer to you
- Confidential personal advice, based on your concerns
- Psychosocial clearing talks on your current situation
- Supportive discussions for developing your own solution steps
- Further transfer to specialist consultation offices
Psychosocial counselling by employees of the Central Student Advisory Service
The staff of the Central Student Advisory Service offer an initial meeting with clearing and a basic psychosocial counselling. Your concerns, your advice objectives and the next steps will be discussed in the joint discussion. If necessary, we will provide further psychosocial counselling with our external psychosocial counsellor or inform you about further support, counselling and therapy offers.
External psychosocial counsellor of the Central Student Advisory Service
If necessary, there is the possibility of further psychosocial counselling by Stefan Becker. He is a trained psychosocial consultant, systemic coach/supervisor and health consultant. Mr Becker has been working as an external psychosocial consultant for the Augsburg University of Technology for many years.
The consultations with Stefan Becker are taught as required by the employees of the Central Student Advisory Service and are based on the solution-oriented short-term counselling service. They take place in a protected space at the Technical University of Augsburg or as an online offer. This offer is free of charge for students of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg.
Do you want psychosocial counselling from the employees of the Central Student Counselling or Mr Becker? Your contact persons: can be found here in the Central Student Advisory Service.
Mental Health Offers for mental and physical well-being
On our Mental Health offer page you will find helpful tools and offers to stay balanced, energetic and mentally fit in the demanding everyday study.
- Free individual coaching with systemic approach (from April possible, registrations already from 15.3.)
- Identify your own needs and ensure compensation
- Meditation and further relaxation techniques
Further advice and support services
Psychosocial Counselling and Clearing
Studentenwerk Augsburg - b!st
The b!st, the advisory center of the Studierendenwerk, offers students of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg counseling on psychological, social or legal problems.
A lawyer, a social counselor, a graduate psychologist and the representative for students with disabilities and chronic illness are available for you.
Health Office Augsburg - Department of Psychical Health
Life counseling - Diakonie Augsburg
The life counseling of Diakonie Augsburg offers advice and support on various topics.
Possible concerns can be:
- I am often depressed. How do I become happy of life again?
- How do I manage to be accepted again at work?
- Should I leave my partner? Can I? Can I ever?
- How can I overcome the loss of a loved one?
- My fear paralyses me? How do I get out of it?
- How do I find people who I feel understood?
- Everything seems so senseless to me. How do I find meaning in life?
A word about the costs: In marriage, family and life counselling, we depend on a socially responsible cost contribution by you. We will be happy to inform you when scheduling the appointments.
Psychological counselling centre for marriage, family and life issues - Bipice of Augsburg
The Bisite of Augsburg offers psychological support and support in personally stressful life situations and crises when ...
- You have lost a person who was dear to you.
- if you are in a life crisis and long for encouragement and support.
- if you need technical support or information because of your own mental complaints (fear, mood swings, etc.).
- if you or your partner is suffering from an illness and you do not know how to deal with it.
- if you would like to speak with a competent counsellor about questions of faith, meaning or spirituality.
Suicide prevention
Ecumenical telephoneSeelsorge Augsburg
You can share worries. The ecumenical telephone telephoneSeelsorge Augsburg offers telephone pastoral care around the clock, 365 days a year.
Around the clock.
0800 111 0 0 111 and 0800 111 0 222
[U25] Mail consulting on suicide prevention
The mail consultation of [U25] is conducted by specially trained volunteers (“peers”). The registration is anonymously done with a nickname via help e-mail. This takes a minute and you can write to us. You write us your request and send the message. We will read your mail and reply within two business days. This can be the beginning of a longer mail support – if you want it.
We are subject to confidentiality.
Your IP address will not be recorded.
The advice is free and anonymous.
Crisis compass app
The crisis compass app provides help and support for suicide prevention. The app provides information, methods and contact details when you
- are in a crisis situation or know someone in a crisis situation,
- thinking more often about suicide,
- knowing someone who expresses the idea of suicide,
- have lost someone by suicide.
Telephone consultation
Foundation Deutsche Depressions Hilfe
The nationwide information telephone depression, telephonenumber: 0800 3344533, is intended to show those affected and family members to contact points in the care system. This is not a substitute for treatment by a physician or psychotherapist. In acute crises, please contact your doctor, the nearest psychiatric clinic or the emergency doctor at the phone number 112.
The Depression Info phone is free of charge.
Crisis Service Swabians
Crises not only affect the others: Every third party gets into a situation at least once in a lifetime in which they need professional psychiatric or psychotherapeutic help. Regardless of age, gender, education, origin and profession.
At the Swabian crisis service, people receive professional emergency aid around the clock in mental crises, relatives or specialist jobs.
Call if you don't know any further alone – the sooner, the better! After all, competent help can facilitate the way out of the crisis.
Free Phone: 0800 / 655 3000
The Swabian crisis service is part of the Bavarian Crisis Services Network.
Pastoral care
Ecumenical TelefonSeelsorge Augsburg
You can share worries. The ecumenical TelefonSeelsorge Augsburg offers telephone pastoral care around the clock, 365 days a year.
Around the clock.
0800 111 0 0 111 and 0800 111 0 222
Protestant Student Community (ESG)
Talk Helps...... with stress, anxiety or worry. The chaplains of the Protestant student community offer counselling and discussion offers.
Catholic University Community (KHG)
The Catholic University Community offers counselling and talks. Be it about everyday things, about difficulties, about studying or something else.
Can talk to someone
- about impressions from studying and everyday life
- about questions and perspectives
- about fears and hopes
- about God and the world.
Weeping guidance
Grief guidance Hospiz group "Albatros"
Grief individual accompaniment
Individual, personal accompaniment of a mourner through a layperson familiar with the theme for a limited period of time.
Discussion group for mourning
Those affected meet at regular intervals. Together they talk about grief, let tears flow and also give anger, self-reproaches, charges, feeling of guilt and shame the necessary space. In familiar community, new life paths can be tracked down. The discussion group is an ongoing experience and group process and open to anyone who has suffered a painful loss.
Weeping guidance Vinzenz-Hospiz Augsburg
Individual support (on request)
Grief can trigger very diverse emotions, emotions that mourners do not always want to discuss in a group in the mourning café. Especially for acutely mourning (crown in the last three months) we recommend a single accompaniment. In one-on-one conversations, you can meet your grief step by step and have the opportunity to develop new life perspectives with expert support.
Our qualified volunteer grief companions have competence and experience. They are happy to help you and offer their individual accompaniment.
Grief cafe
Our mourning café is an open offer for people in different grief situations. Here you have the opportunity to talk to each other over a cup of coffee, to listen to each other or simply be true to the motto "Everything must not has to be true.
The mourning café is prepared and managed by our qualified mourning companions. When or how often you attend this meeting, you can decide individually.
https://www.vinzenz-hospiz.de/offering services/mourergeal support/
Funeral support house Tobias Augsburg
What we do:
- accompany mourning and advising families, regardless of church or religious affiliation, enpartying different paths of mourning and encourage strength to draw strength from faith and prayer
- Weekends for greeting with mate with the same people alike for grieving parents, children, young adults and women and men whose partners are dead
- train members of all occupational groups who come into contact with death, death and grief
- support institutions and individuals after a death
- For events we are happy to come on site
Counselling services for women
Help phone “Violence against women”
The help phone “Violence against women” is a nationwide counselling service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence. Under the number 08000 116 016 and online consultation, it supports those affected by all nationalities, with and without disability – 365 days a year, around the clock. Relatives, friends and specialists are also advised anonymously and free of charge.
VIA – Ways out of the power of AWO Augsburg
VIA - Ways out of the violence of AWO Augsburg is the point of contact, counseling centre and intervention centre for domestic violence, sexual violence such as rape and sexual abuse, in psychological and physical violence and in stalking.
VIA: 0821 450339-10| via-awo-augsburg.de
Willingness to call every day 24 hours
Counselling services for men
Help phone “Violence on Men”
Men are experiencing violence. Suffering violence. In childhood, on the street, in institutions or in partnership. That is why there is the help phone “violence of men”. So if you have suffered violence in any form, call there! Feel free to call the office hours at Nummer0800 1239900 or by e-mail to beratung-maennerhilfetelefon.de.
You can also call there if you as relatives or specialist personnel want to inform yourself about possibilities for men affected by the violence.
VIA – Ways out of the power of AWO Augsburg
VIA - Ways out of the violence of AWO Augsburg is the point of contact, counseling centre and intervention centre for domestic violence, sexual violence such as rape and sexual abuse, in psychological and physical violence and in stalking.
VIA: 0821 450339-20| via-awo-augsburg.de
Willingness to call every day 24 hours
Consulting and support services in English and other languages
Studierendenwerk Augsburg - b!st
he b!st, the advisory center of the Studierendenwerk, offers students of the Technical University of Augsburg counseling on psychological, social or legal problems.
A lawyer, a social counselor, a graduate psychologist and the representative for students with disabilities and chronic illness are available for you.
zib. - Centre for Intercultural Counselling
The Centre for Intercultural Counseling (zib.) is a first starting point for (new) recent people from Augsburg and the surrounding area. Here you will find important information and the most relevant support offers bundled under one roof.
Youth Migration Service of Diakonie Augsburg
The youth migration service of the Diakonie Augsburg offers support to all young people with a migration background up to 27 years.
- Advice on language and language promotion
- Advice and long-term support on the subject of school, training, studies, internship
- Help with offices and authorities (Jobcenter, immigration office, family fund, etc.)
- Advice on social and financial difficulties
- Questions of roles in the new home
- Parent counselingEducational and cultural group offers
Migration consulting for adult immigrants of Diakonie Augsburg
Migration counselling for adult immigrants offers a wide range of consulting services for adults with a migration background.
- Social educational counselling
- General Life Counseling and Assistance
- Initial orientation and forwarding to appropriate specialist services
- Advice on social and financial difficulties
- Communication with offices and authorities
Aliens Authority, Family Insurance Fund, Job Center etc. - Family re-enerf
- Information on language courses
Help phone “Violence against women”
The help phone “Violence against women” is a nationwide counselling service for women who have experienced or are still experiencing violence. Under the number 08000 116 016 and online consultation, it supports those affected by all nationalities, with and without disability – 365 days a year, around the clock. Relatives, friends and specialists are also advised anonymously and free of charge.
Advice for women in Turkish, Spanish, English and French, as well as advice for the hearing impaired.
PUSULA – Turkish-language worry phone
Children, young people and adults can contact PUSULA anonymously. The calls are received by volunteers in Turkish. The employees are subject to confidentiality. The worry telephone opens the way to help offers and contact persons in Augsburg.
Turkish-language worry phone: 0821 4550044
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 18:00 to 08:00 am| Thursday, Friday 09:00–11:00
SMENA – Russian-language worry phone
SMENA stands for “Creating trust” – “Participation enabling” – “Improvement of understanding”. SMENA bundles the contributions to integration for young and adult resettlers, focusing on their own initiative and self-organisation. Anyone who feels alone and uncomplaint, has problems in the family, work or school, can contact the employees of the Russian-speaking worry phone. The conversations are running anonymously and confidentially.
Russian-language worry phone: 0821 4508000
Office hours: Monday to Friday 19:00–22:00
Hand-held by students for students
In the summer semester 2023, students from the bachelor's degree programme in Business Psychology put together a small guide on mental health entitled “How are you really do?” Students want to use the Guide to Awareness for Mental Health. This folder does not claim to be complete. It is not an alternative to professional advice.