English Term

International Guest Lecture



Compulsory Course/Required Elective

Compulsory Course

Type of Course




Offered in

Summer Term



Credit Hours


Course Assessment
  • Written exam: 50 %
  • Term Paper (incl. presentation): 50 %
Type of Course Assessment

Written Examination

Duration of the Exam

60 minutes


Decimal Grade

Admitted Additives
Admission Requirements
• Detailed understanding of basic Corporate Finance concepts and Global FinancialInstitutions. Therefore the lectures on “Project and Cases of Finance” and “Financial Economics, Financial Institutions and Monetary Policy“ of the first term of the IBF program is mandatory as the content of these lectures is a prerequisite.
• Furthermore a good understanding of Emerging Markets and Monetary Policy is as well amust.



• Having been part of the “International Guest Lectures“ lecture students will have anindepth understanding of emerging market specifics and Global Financial Institutions
• They understand how to identify imbalances in external payments, trade, capitalmovements and foreign debt
• They develop competencies how international financial instabilities can be overcome byfiscal and monetary policy instruments
• They know the specifics of important regional financial markets



World Economic Outlook
• Foundations: An Overview of the Global Economy in the Last 50 Years
• Putting Global Economic Growth into a Perspective:
• Financial Crisis and Economic Output:
• Inflation, Deflation and Commodity Prices
• Policy Response and Implications
Fiscal and Monetary Policy
• Fiscal Policy
• Monetary Policy, Financial Markets and Flow of Funds
• Case Studies: US, Japan, Euro Area, China, Brazil
External Payments, Trade, Capital Movements and Foreign Debt
• Global Imbalances:
• Global Financial Crisis and Trade:
• Global Capital Flows
• Investment and Growth
• Case Studies: US, Japan, Euro Area, China, Brazil, India, Turkey

Teaching and Learning Methods


• Classroom sessions: Text book and article based presentations, discussion andexplanations
• Case Studies: Applying the learned concepts and tools on regional capital marketperspectives
• E-Learning concepts
• Presentations by students

Recommended readings


• Tbd in detail by individual lecturer
• Stephen Pruitt (UMKC): “Central Bank Policy and Global Capital Markets” (incl. IMF globaloutlook)
• Stephen Pruitt (UMKC): “Corporate Governance and International Business” and “Non-Profit and Finance”
• IMF and World Bank reports and research papers

Workload and Breakdown of Credits


6 ECTS x 30 hours = 180 hours,  combined out of the following:

  • Course attendance: 15 weeks* 4 hours = 60 hours
  • Preparation / homework / self-study : 15 weeks* 3 hours = 45 hours
  • Time for exercises and group work: 15 weeks* 2 hours = 30 hours
  • Semester Project/Presentation: 30 hours
  • Exam preparation: 30 hours
  • Exam time:
    • 60 minutes presentation
    • 60 minutes written exam
  • Weighting in examination:
    • Written exam 50 %
    • Term paper (incl. presentation) 50%
