English Term

Corporate Venture Capital, Incubators & Accelerators

Compulsory Course/Required Elective

Compulsory Course

Type of Course




Offered in

Summer Term



Credit Hours


Course Assessment

Term paper / case study

Type of Course Assessment



Decimal Grade

Admission Requirements
•Detailed understanding of basic Corporate Finance concepts. Therefore the lectures on“Valuing Securities & Companies” of the first term of the IBF program is mandatory.
•Basic understanding of early stage financing alternatives, needs and processes.



•Having been part of the “International Guest Lectures“ lecture, students will have an indepth understanding of seed financing, venture capital funding and inhouse accelerator and incubation models
•They understand how to apply early stage corporate finance tools
•They develop competencies how early stage funding needs and the specifics of start upscould be overcome.



The lectures focus on the financial life cycle of a company, especially on the early stage, like seed funding, venture capital, incubation and accelerators.

The course will blend the more qualitative strategic view with the more quantitative valuation and financing view

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Classroom sessions: lectures referencing to text books and articles, discussion and explanations blended with …
  • Case Studies: Applying the learned concepts and tools on early stage investments
  • E-Learning concepts tbd
  • Presentations by students

Recommended readings


•Smith, J., K.; Smith, R. L. (2019). Entrepreneurial Finance – Venture Capital, DealStructure & Valuation. 2nd ed., California: Stanford University Press.
•Tbd in detail by individual lecturer

Workload and Breakdown of Credits


6 ECTS x 30 hours = 180 hours,  combined out of the following:

  • Course attendance: 15 weeks * 4 hours = 60 hours
  • Preparation / homework / self-study : 15 weeks * 3 hours = 45 hours
  • Time for case studies: 15 weeks * 2 hours = 30 hours
  • Term paper: 45 hours
  • Examination:Term paper/ case study
