Our App for Lecturers and Students
Current Features

Individual Timetable
In conversations with students, a big request has emerged: an individual timetable where students can add their own lectures. Instead of having to look up each semester's schedule, students can now add the courses to their schedule that they actually want to take that semester. Instructors can save links to the various platforms, such as Moodle or Zoom in their courses so that students have all the important information at a glance.
Live Lecture Mode
To encourage the use of different teaching methods, our campus app supports instructors to use quizzes and offers students the opportunity to ask questions and help each other in a Q&A section. The live lecture mode can be used in face-to-face teaching as well as in hybrid or remote teaching to activate students and stimulate exchanges when questions arise.

Canteen Schedule
At a single glance, it is now possible to view the meal offers of the Mensa at Rotes Tor and the Cafeteria at Brunnenlech. The prices you have to pay and the different ingredients of the dishes are displayed as well. Using a like system, you can now mark your favorite dishes and see which meals are particularly popular at the university. In addition, the current opening hours of the refectories and cafeterias are also included.

How it's going
While the first prototype of the campus app is in the test phase, work is already proceeding simultaneously on the concept for the next major features. Among other things, an interactive method assistant for lecturers is planned so that our app not only supports lecturers in creating quizzes, but also actively helps them to learn and (live) apply new teaching methods. A scale of the learning progress per subject or semester will use gamification to motivate students and encourage them to learn. And the integration of a link collection to the most important information and contact points of the university is also planned for the second prototype.
Stay tuned!
What has happened so far
The campus app is being developed as part of the gP cycle project to increase study skills and professionalize teaching. The software development of the app is done by Corinna List and Daniel Neubert, Lena Wagner coordinates the feature conception. Angela Prochaska is the project coordinator.
Do you have any questions, suggestions or requests? Or do you simply want to exchange ideas with us?

+49 821 5586-3025