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Showing 61-90 of 1.303 items.
Bensch, Stefan, Prof. Dr.Computer Science
Berber, MarkusZSI
Berchtenbreiter, CorneliaLiberal Arts and Sciences
Berchtold, Elisabeth, Dipl.-Päd (Univ.)Liberal Arts and Sciences
Bergmann, Kai, Prof.Design
Bergmann, Sarah, M.Sc.
Bergmeier, AntonArchitecture and Civil Engineering
Bermejo, FranciscoZSI
Bernkopf, Jan, Prof. Dr.Liberal Arts and Sciences
Berrens, Yvonne, M.A. / MBASchool of Business
Bersiner, Paul, B. Eng.Mechanical and Process Engineering
Berzina, LoretaExamination Office
beth Hanno Kasho, JohnnyFacility Management
Bhat, VinayakaHochschulzentrum Donau-Ries
Bibinger, RalphArchitecture and Civil Engineering
Bibliothek, Allgemeine AuskunftLibrary
Bieniec, AdrianInternational Office
Bilandzija, TanjaLiberal Arts and Sciences
Bilger, Rebecca, M.A.School of Business
Bilger, RebeccaDesign
Binder, EdwinSchool of Business
Binder Knott, Hans, M.A.School of Business
Binger, Doris, Prof. Dr.Design
Birda, StellaArchitecture and Civil Engineering
Birke, Eva MariaZSI
Bischof, LenaZSI
Bischof, Wolfgang, Prof. Dr.Data Science (BSc)
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Bitterling, StefanArchitecture and Civil Engineering
Bittner, JessicaProject gP cycle
Didactics Media Center
Bleifuß, MarianaArchitecture and Civil Engineering