Flight 133 - 2020_09_27 - Otto - Flugplatz Thalhausen - TestFlight "TheBox" - Part 2
- Take Off: 13:00 Uhr
- Flight time: 00:45:00 / 00:15:00 / 00:10:00 [hh:mm:ss]
- Wind: 10km/h
- Team: Jonathan, Vincent, Gregor, Christian, Felix (Guest)
- Scope: more Testing with the closed box, temperature. Completely closed, also with styrofoam on top of the box.
- Flight Review: searchwing-flight-133
- Other logs from Pi and Images: https://gitlab.com/searchwing/operational/searchwing-logs/-/tree/master/Flight-132%20%20Heat%20test%20The%20Box%20(Thalhausen)
- also with styrofoam on top of the box, no temperature problems!
- Unordered List Item
- Still Problems with writing of Logs on the py
- checked elevator - 2 different arms on the Servo! different deflection on the V-Tails elevator! - added to checklist.
- aileron: broken hinge on the right wing - added to checklist.
- We had problems again getting a GPS lock. - might be related to the box being made from ABS. When its opened, we have much better reception - see: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abschirmung_(Elektrotechnik) - search for (ABS)
“In Kunststoffgehäusen (ABS) finden autokatalytisch abgeschiedene (Chemisch Nickel) und nachfolgend elektrolytisch mit Kupfer verstärkte Schichten Anwendung.”