What is a "prompt"?


In the context of AI models such as ChatGPT for natural language processing, which are specifically designed to generate texts and conversational responses, the term "prompt" refers to the initial request given to the respective model to generate a response. A prompt can be a question, a statement, a query or a request. Depending on the wording and context of the prompt - the "prompt crafting" or "prompt engineering" - the model generates an (in)appropriate response based on its training data.

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In order to exploit the full potential of ChatGPT to support teachers and students, it is important to strengthen your own promp competence.

What does "prompt competence" mean?


Prompt competence is understood as the ability

  • recognize what kind of information the AI model needs to generate relevant answers,

  • formulate this information clearly and precisely, and

  • to make consecutive adjustments to the information in line with the model's capabilities - e.g. specific terms or restrictions.

What is important?


1. clarity in the definition and purpose of the task

e.g. using simple language and structured work packages: "Start with a short greeting" - "Formulate 3 variants of the closing sentence"

2. relevant details

e.g. specific keywords or phrases on the topic, background knowledge, facts, tone, target audience, format, length, style

3. indicative examples

e.g. "Write in the style of the following text [example]"

4. test and refine

e.g. through several iterations

Two exemplary prompt frameworks

Building a ChatGPT mega prompt (© Rob Lennon 2023).
Setup of a ChatGPT Mega-Prompt (© Rob Lennon 2023, @thatroblennon/Twitter).
Prompt Guidelines @Workflowy, 2023
Prompt Guidelines © Workflowy, 2023

Rob Lennon moves away from simpler inputs like "Do this" or "Explain this concept of  [XY] to me" and proposes a six-step prompt structure  that puts ChatGPT into a concrete "scenario":

1. Who or what is being simulated?

2. Task - What needs to be done?

3. Working steps - what needs to be done and in which order?

4. Context and constraints - What has to be considered?

5. Goal - What should be achieved with the dialog?

6. Format of the output - what should the answer look like?

In addition to general guidelines for prompt crafting, the Workflowy community suggests more specific strategies along the types of prompting intentions. Roughly, there are four types of goals of using ChatGPTs: some learning, chatting, data transformation, and text generation.

For each of these goals, in turn, there are approaches for an effective prompt: if you are dealing with a topic that is brand new for you to learn, for example, you should start broad with your questions to get a general idea of the "shape" of a topic, and then go deeper (see image below).

Demo prompts for the prompt goal "Learn something". @workflowy, 2023
Demo prompts for the prompt goal "Learn something". @workflowy, 2023