Next-level learning support


ChatGPT is an AI tool that has been publicly available since 2022 and is based on a large neural network. It was developed by the OpenAI organization and trained with a large amount of text data collected from the internet and digital books. ChatGPT can perform a variety of tasks such as generating, summarizing and completing texts or answering questions based on natural language input - also known as a "prompt". ChatGPT also takes into account the course of the dialog.

On this page, we show you how you can use ChatGPT individually in your everyday university life.

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Latest news (July 2024)


ChatGPT-4o mini replaces ChatGPT-3.5:

  • Cost-effective: Provides a more cost-effective alternative to the full-featured model.

  • Low delay: Optimized for fast response times

  • Versatile deployments: Although it is a smaller and less expensive model, it supports just as many tasks.


  • Access for all: Free for all users; extended voice functions are reserved for Plus users.

  • "o" for omnimodality: Text, images, videos and audio files can be interpreted and analyzed.

  • GPT-Vision: Upload and analyze images in the chat; the visual information is interpreted, transcribed or commented on - depending on which prompt is set.

>> Tip for students: GPT-Vision offers great advantages when transferring hand-written transcripts into a digital document.

Choice of 4o & 4o mini models

Click on the asterisk icon to see which model generated the answer.

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How can you use ChatGPT during your studies?


Research: Lena Wagner (DMZ)

Screenshots: Sonja Hofbauer (computer science student, responsible for example prompts in ChatGPT)

🗓️ Be better organized

  • Draw up a learning plan
  • Suggestions for learning methods
  • Create topic overviews
  • Improve notes
  • Create project (or time) plan, distribute tasks to members

Create a learning plan | sample prompts

Assign these learning objectives: ###[text]###

Take these dates into account: ###[text]###

Mark breaks and movement activities per day and mark the weekend as a break.

Suggestion from ChatGPT for a learning plan for exam preparation with chapters & assigned learning objectives

// click on the image to enlarge
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⌨️ Writing support

  • Obtaining basic information
  • Finding ideas and topics
  • Creating texts
  • Proofreading (reducing redundancies, finding synonyms, paraphrasing)
  • Grammar check in many languages (preferably in English)
  • Text evaluation according to quality criteria & suggestions for improvement
  • Literature research
  • Outline/structure of presentations and term papers, seminar papers or theses

Text evaluation according to quality criteria | example prompt

Rate the following text according to the three text quality criteria
coherence, intentionality, and informativeness on a point scale
from 1 to 15 and suggest improvements for each criterion. ### [Text] ###

Literature search | example prompt

Create a literature search on the topic "[XY]". Find
relevant scientific articles, books and studies from the
the last five years. Consider the following aspect:
"[e.g. social and ethical implications]".Briefly summarize the most important findings and create an overview of the sources.

Rating of text quality criteria using school grades and suggestions for improvement by ChatGPT

// click on the image to zoom in
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🧑‍💻Learn more easily

  • Collect information & create summaries
  • Prepare presentations
  • Analyze & visualize data
  • Make translations
  • Solve programming problems
  • Decision making through virtual discussions
  • Complex texts in simple language
  • Generate interview questions (e.g. field research)

Create summary | Example prompt

Summarize the following text. The summary should cover the
main message, key arguments and conclusions.
The summary should be clear and concise, without including unimportant details or personal opinions. ### [Text] ###

Decision making through virtual discussion | example prompt

I am working on a term paper on the topic [topic] with the research question
[question] and have to decide which argumentation to use in my paper.
The options are [Option A] and [Option B].
Help me make a decision by analyzing the following points: Strengths and weaknesses of the arguments, Supporting data,
Relevance to the research question.

Bild von ChatGPT - Unterhaltung: Analyse der Stärken und Schwächen von Argumenten für eine Hausarbeit
Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of arguments in a term paper

// zum Vergrößern auf das Bild klicken
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✅ Prepare for exams in a relaxed manner

  • Summary of scripts
  • Have terms & complex concepts explained
  • Create exercises & mock exams
  • Practice answering and argumentation strategies
  • Create index cards or flashcards

Create mock exam | sample prompt

Create 10 exam questions based on the following script.
Use different question types such as multiple choice and open
short answers. Make sure that the tasks cover the most important topics and concepts from the script and have different levels of difficulty.
Make sure that the tasks are clearly formulated and
understandable. ###[script]###

Create flashcards | example prompt

Create index cards for the definitions from the following text. Each
index card should have a question or keyword on the front and the answer on the back.
Make sure that the answers are precise and easy to understand.

ChatGPT-Chat über Prüfungsaufgaben
Help with answering exam questions from old exams by asking specific questions

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ChatGPT prompt competence

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4 important things you should bear in mind

Wiss. & KI

Further details can be found on our AI for students page, which was created in cooperation with the THA library.

Critical handling

  • Do not adopt AI-generated content without checking it
  • AI bias: consider distortions in statements due to training data
  • Incorrect source information possible ("hallucinations")

Data protection

  • ChatGPT and other AI tools collect and store data, so do not enter any personal or third-party data (e.g. contact information)
  • Data from social media sites (e.g. log data, cookies) can also be collected by AI tools
  • You can find out exactly what is stored in the privacy policy


  • Responsibility for the work lies with the author, not with the AI
  • Record any use of AI tools in the declaration of independence
  • Understand AI as learning support


  • AI-generated content is not protected by copyright, but beware of structural plagiarism
  • Upload of copyrighted documents to AI tools is critical if the text has been excluded from the authorship of AI training

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Self-study courses for students

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