Page path:

Fire Fighter Adventure World

Planning and creating a web application for managing schedules.

Computer Science

Course of studies

Computer Science (BSc)
Information Systems (BSc)

Project description

The era of planning with pen and paper is a thing of the past. Our goal is to make creating and managing a schedule as simple and uncomplicated as possible. In collaboration with the Firefighter Experience World and Team 23, our project team is developing a web application for schedule management for the employees of the experience world. Through a sleek design, we aim to prioritize easy usability and overview of the schedule. Both employers and employees should benefit from modern features. For employees, functions such as schedule viewing or the ability to swap shifts should be available - all conveniently and flexibly, regardless of the device used. By displaying vacant positions in the schedule, implementing a notification system, and employing a prioritized allocation process based on hours worked, there will be many solutions available to the HR personnel for effectively organizing employees.

With an integrated DATEV interface on the website, files can be generated containing information for employee payroll. All of these solutions aim to minimize planning efforts and relieve administrative HR staff of their duties.

Involved persons


Prof. Dr. Nik Klever
Dennis Rockstein

Cooperation Partner (Team 23):

David Danier

Cooperation Partner (Feuerwehrerlebniswelt):

Frank Habermaier


Yasmin Brik
Shereen Diko
Julian Hansohm
Erik Herberg
Christoph Huschka
Talha Karacaoglu
Nina Kaucher
Marcel Maier
Marcel März