Future Ukraine - Scholarship Program for Refugees from Ukraine at German Universities

Project description
The HSA_Україна project creates and establishes structures at the TH Augsburg, supports students and builds bridges between Germany and Ukraine. The aim is...
- To support refugees from Ukraine in starting and continuing their studies at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences (project objective 1)
- To help them integrate into the German world of study and work (project objective 2).
- And to support them as multipliers and bridge builders in the future reconstruction and consolidation of German-Ukrainian relations (project objective 3).
The three project objectives mentioned above will be implemented with the help of various project measures. The main focus is on faculty scholarships, which will be awarded from March 2023. The measure is flanked by a comprehensive preparatory and support program, which forms the basic framework for the project measures and the measures that will follow in the future. Teamwork internally and networking externally are particularly important here. This allows existing structures to be used and usefully supplemented by target group-specific measures.
The following is planned: Compact language courses - DaF, integration support: mentoring program & network expansion, cultural and psychological support measures as well as a central advice center. The last with the function of caretaker and guide.
All Ukraine measures at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences are coordinated or overseen by the International Office. In this way, the university guarantees a constant flow of information, agile and fast action as well as the greatest possible flexibility to work in a solution-oriented manner. All this to support people in and from Ukraine and to promote sought-after personalities.
Project team
Project coordinator
Phone: | +49 821 5586-4036 |
Fax: | +49 821 5586-3207 |
Project sub-coordinator (support & advice for refugees)
Phone: | +49 821 5586-3711 |
Fax: | +49 821 5586-3207 |