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Transfer project promotes social involvement of international students and thus facilitates their later career entry in the region


Social and community engagement [eng] should serve as an engine for the successful [(e)] integration [in] of international students, which should also be sustainably established through cooperation between the university and urban stakeholders [²]. The title of the transfer project is therefore: engin(e)².

Engagement HSA_transfer International
In the engin(e)² transfer project, international students at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences are actively supported in starting their careers in the region. © Colourbox
Apr 1, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022

Project description

With the help of the engin(e)² project, the International Office of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences will specifically prepare international students for future employment in the region. The social commitment of the students will serve as a driving force for the successful integration of the target group. In order to steer the commitment in an effective direction, a network with local stakeholders will also be created to identify the needs and areas in which the students' voluntary work can be used most effectively.

The project has two main objectives:

1. Identifying strategic partners and building networks

In order to create a basis for the social engagement of international students, it is first necessary to identify the need and opportunities for such activity.

In doing so, the International Office uses existing contacts and, in the course of the project, sets itself the goal of building a larger, sustainable network with social and labor market-relevant institutions in the city of Augsburg, which will continue to exist after the end of the project.


2. Integration of international degree students through social engagement

The integration of international students is to be strengthened through their active involvement in the area of social and community engagement.

Two measures will be established as part of the project to help students get started and provide them with the necessary know-how:

1 Mentoring program for international students

The plan is to employ one student per faculty as a mentor. The aim is to connect international students more closely with the faculties and the university's central institutions, such as the International Office or the Career Service. The mentors take on both a supportive and pioneering role. Thanks to the close cooperation and coordination of the measure by the International Office, it is possible to build a stronger bond with the target group through the mentors. This increases the flow of information, which sensitizes the university to possible needs, enabling rapid action to be taken with regard to the integration of the target group at the university itself.

2. Series of workshops to acquire soft skills

The international students come from different social and cultural backgrounds. The plan is to organize a series of workshops to teach the necessary soft skills and create a uniform basis of competence for everyone. Five workshops are planned on topics such as: the ability to work in a team, the ability to deal with criticism and conflict and self-organization. Contact with various players at city level will create channels for concrete voluntary work. This gives students the opportunity to become socially involved during their studies and to gain professional experience in the region.

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Transfer works


The transfer project "engin(e)²" combines central aspects of Augsburg University of Applied Sciences' understanding of transfer: stakeholders contribute to solving a central future topic with their different specialist and practical expertise.

The "engin(e)²" project is supported by HSA_transfer - the agency for cooperative university projects at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences as part of the federal and state funding initiative Innovative Universities. This has given Augsburg University of Applied Sciences the opportunity to further develop its transfer activities and strengthen its transfer profile in a joint exchange with partners from business and society.

Further information:



Internal Partners

Project manager

Project coordinator

Jessica Gaulocher

International Office


+49 821 5586-3674


+49 821 5586-3207

External Partners

Stadt Augsburg

European Office with Europe Direct

Homepage (extern)

Vocational Training Center Augsburg & Swabia


Homepage (extern)

Augsburg Volunteer Center

Homepage (extern)




Agency for cooperative university projects


+49 821 5586-3644
