- Languages
- Languages
- English
- Business English Compulsory Courses
- Advanced Business English (written C1)
Advanced Business English (written C1)
Advanced (Business & Technical) English (B2+/C1))
Required Elective
Seminar (AWP)
Every Semester
5 CP
Schriftliche Texte, insgesamt ca.10 Seiten (3750-5000 Wörter)
Decimal Grade
Offen für Studierende aller anderen Fakultäten.
Die Einstufung richtet sich nach dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen (GERS).
Startniveau: B2+
Zielniveau: C1
Sie sind sich nicht sicher, welches Niveau Sie haben? Hier geht es zum Selbsteinstufungstest .
This course is aimed at students who wish to practice their language skills in various communication formats.
Effective Production of CV and Letter of Application, Minutes, Reports, Faxes, Memos, Letters together with the appropriate language use are the main focus of the course.
Emphasis is on communicative written skills. Oral skills, listening comprehension information reception and transformation will have to be made use of in order to achieve set tasks.
Open communicative teaching method including peer to peer teaching and evaluation. The main communicative media is the internet with emailing, newsgroups and information retrieval capabilities. Input and evaluation might be further provided by peer groups situated at partner institutions.
Recommended literature
Jones & Alexander International Business English, David Evans Powerhouse, Text/Video/Audio Material, various internet sources.
Work Load
Modulumfang 150 h
Teaching Methods
There is a face2face part in class and a larger virtual online part.