The quiz function is so easy


For more interaction during the lecture, e.g. with peer instruction, knowledge tests can be carried out using the quiz function. Here we show you how to do it.

To be able to create a quiz, you must first join the corresponding lecture.


Prepare quiz


❶ The “Quiz” can be found in the activity overview.

Quizart wählen

❷ You can now choose from different quiz variants.

Frage eingeben

❸ Afterwards, type in the quiz question.

Multiple Choice

❹ Use the slider to switch between single choice and multiple choice.

Richtige Antwort

❺ Mark the correct solution by clicking on the checkbox next to the answer options.

Quiz erstellen

❻ Click on “Create” to generate a draft of the quiz.


❼ Now you can prepare further activities or start the quiz.


Carry out a quiz

Quiz starten

❶ Click on the “Start” button to activate the quiz for students.

Quiz läuft

❷ While the quiz is running, the distribution of votes can be observed in real time.

Quiz beenden

❸ To end the quiz, simply click the “Stop” button.

beendetes Quiz

❹ Once the quiz is over, students can no longer vote.

Lösung anzeigen

❺ Use the “Show solution” button to display the correct solution to the students.

Statistik anzeigen

❻ The survey result of the quiz can be shared with the students via the “Show statistics” button.


Tip: Duplicate quiz


With the help of the quiz, Peer Instruction can easily be used in the lecture.

The “Duplicate quiz” function makes it easy to start a second run of the quiz.

3-Punkte Kontextmenü

❶ Click on the three dots at the top right to open a context menu.

Button duplizieren

❷ The “Duplicate” button creates a duplicate of the quiz (quiz question, answers and correct solution).

Entwurf des Duplikats

❸ A draft of the duplicated quiz is now displayed.


If you have any questions about the quiz, we will be happy to help:
