First Steps
Welcome to the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Onboarding for first-year students
🔥 Info sessions at the beginning of the semester
Students of all study programs (Bachelor and Master) have the opportunity to get to know the digital study tools of the university in a compact format at the "Kickoff into Studies: Tooltime" of the Didactics Media Center.
The Didactics Media Cent...
Student Counseling Service

Frequently asked questions about application at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Studies interest test (SIT)
Which degree is right for me?
With your desire to study at a university, you have already made an important decision for your further life. Before you start looking for a specific course or place of study, you should first be clear about what interests, inclinations and talents you have. You should place your own interests and inclinations at the center of your considerations as you continue to study and choose a course. ↗
Orientation Test
With the orientation test test for yourself which course and which profession suits you. What best suits your inclinations and abilities? The free self-test for study orientation provides answers to these questions. ↗
Study Program

