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Showing 61-80 of 4,222 items.
Michael Popp
Name | Michael Popp |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3239 |
michael.popp@tha.de | |
Institution | Human Resources and Legal Department |
Raum (Seitenverknüpfung) | Building B |
Alisa O'Rourke
Name | Alisa O'Rourke |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3204 |
Fax | +49 821 5586-3207 |
Alisa.ORourke@tha.de | |
Institution | International Office |
Lena Leznova
Name | Lena Leznova |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3282 |
Fax | +49 821 5586-3207 |
lena.leznova@tha.de | |
Institution | International Office |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Bolling
Name | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingo Bolling |
ingo.bolling@tha.de | |
Institution | Mechanical and Process Engineering |
Studiengänge | Mechanical Engineering |
Business Source Elite
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Communication Design (BA)
Fakultät(en) | Design |
Art des Studiengangs | Full-time |
Abschluss | Bachelor of Arts |
Studienbeginn | Winter Term |
Regelstudienzeit, Anzahl Semester | 7 |
Zulassung | Assessment Test |
on page Communication Design (BA)
Modulhandbuch Bachelorstudiengang Kommunikationsdesign (2019)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Voßiek
Name | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Voßiek |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3162 |
joachim.vossiek@tha.de | |
Institution | Mechanical and Process Engineering |
Raum (Seitenverknüpfung) | Building F |
Studiengänge | Mechanical Engineering |
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Gampfer
Name | Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Susanne Gampfer |
Phone | +49 821 5586-2079 |
susanne.gampfer@tha.de | |
Institution | Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Raum (Seitenverknüpfung) | Building C |
Prof. Dr. Stefan Etschberger
Name | Prof. Dr. Stefan Etschberger |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3151 |
ste@tha.de | |
Institution | Liberal Arts and Sciences ZSI |
Raum (Seitenverknüpfung) | Builiding A |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scholz
Name | Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scholz |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3453 |
Fax | +49 821 5586-3499 |
juergen.scholz@tha.de | |
Institution | Computer Science |
Raum (Seitenverknüpfung) | Building J |
Markus Brand, M.Eng.
Name | Markus Brand |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3136 |
Fax | +49 821 5586-3913 |
markus.brand@hs-augsburg.de | |
Institution | Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Raum (Seitenverknüpfung) | Building G |
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Schmidt
Name | Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Schmidt |
Phone | +49 821 5586-3115 |
michael.schmidt@tha.de | |
Institution | Architecture and Civil Engineering |
Raum (Seitenverknüpfung) | Building C |