The IT-Service Center is located in the second and third floor of the H buildung
second floor
service office | plotter room | PC rooms |
H3.06 | H3.03 | H3.07 - H.10 H3.13 - H3.17 |
third floor
Staff of the IT Service Center |
address | Hochschule Augsburg -Rechenzentrum- An der Hochschule 1 86161 Augsburg |
postal address | Hochschule Augsburg -Rechenzentrum- Postfach 11 06 05 86031 Augsburg |
telefon | +49-821-5586-3266 |
fax | +49-821-5586-3267 |
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academic leadership
Prof. Dr. (CIO) Clemens Espe | |
Phone: | |
Fax: | +49 821 5586-3499 |
Prof. Dr. Rolf Winter | |
Phone: | |
Fax: | +49 821 5586-3499 |
technical leadership
Manfred Müller | |
Phone: | |
Fax: | +49 821 5586-3267 |