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Research and developement

Supporting projects, generating findings and enabling transfer


Research is both a passion and a strategic field of action. It fulfils imports functions for business, society and the University itself. Applied research creates innovations, results in patent registrations or spin-offs, and pursues commercial utilization. However, it also enables teaching to be based on current findings and allows research-based learning.

The active support of practice-related research and development as well as target-oriented knowledge transfer are therefore significant fields of activity at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences.

As a central point of contact and coordination, the ITW team advises you on all matters pertaining to application-oriented research, knowledge-based services, contract research (R&D) and research cooperation with one or more internal or external partners.

Are you looking for a suitable research partner for your research issue? Feel free to contact us – we will find the right experts at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences – and, if required, the right testing and laboratory facility – for your project.


Institute for Technology and Knowledge Transfer


+49 821 5586-3251


Services for companies
  • Consulting
  • Finding experts/laboratories
  • (Project) coordination
Services for University members
  • Consulting
  • (Project) support
  • (Project) administration
Funding information for University members
(please log in)
  • ITW funding info
    New each month or conveniently via the University's research mailing list
  • Funding profiles for current tenders