Cooperation SearchWing x Resqship 2024

Cooperation SearchWing x Resqship 2024

SearchWing and Resqship have been working together since 2019 to optimize the search for people in distress at sea using SAR (search and rescue) drones.

SearchWing drone Beate before take-off from the SAR ship Nadir
Picture credits: RESQSHIP/Linda Rochlitzer

SearchWing drones have been on board the sailing ship “Nadir” in the search area between Italy, Tunisia and Libya since the beginning of 2024. So far, 20 flights have been flown on 5 missions over the open sea to find people in distress. During the flights, 4000km² were searched. The resulting 72,000 images are analyzed using software and the results evaluated by the crew.

Nadir as seen from the drone camera at an altitude of 541m – visualized with our open source software searchwing-gui.
Nadir as seen from the drone camera at an altitude of 90m – visualized with our open source software searchwing-gui.

At least one certified SearchWing pilot is on board the Nadir for every mission. In a typical mission, the SAR drone is launched into the air from the ship, ascends and flies a predefined search pattern.

Hand launch of the SearchWing drone
Picture credits: RESQSHIP/Stefen Seyfert

All the data received from the drone is visualized on a tablet. The flight pattern can be adapted to new conditions at any time using the open source software QGroundControl.

Monitoring and controlling the drone from a tablet using QGroundControl
Picture credits: RESQSHIP/Jelka Kretzschmar

The field of view from the “Nadir” is about four nautical miles (~7.4 km) in good weather. The drone can fly about 100 km. With this support from the air, a much larger area can be searched in a short time, making the search for people in distress at sea much easier.

Before the respective missions, the pilots receive theoretical and practical training in the use of the drones. The training usually lasts 2-3 days and currently takes place at the SearchWing airfield near Berlin. In addition to the theoretical knowledge for the legal use of the drones, all practical aspects such as precise throwing, landing approaches in different weather conditions and the evaluation of the image material are also practiced.

Flight training with a pilot on our training field
Picture credits: RESQSHIP/Jelka Kretzschmar

SearchWing needs your help to continue to provide this support for Resqship and other NGOs. We are looking for volunteers to build and develop drones or to pilot them. You can find more information on our volunteer page.
In order to be able to realize all this, we are dependent on your donations. Please donate to us via our donation page on Betterplace.