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Bachelor Programs

Bachelor Programs at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Showing 1-28 of 28 items.
Course of studiesDegreeArtLanguageStart of Studies
Architecture (BA)Bachelor of ArtsDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Business Administration (BA)Bachelor of ArtsFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Business Psychology (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Civil Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Communication Design (BA)Bachelor of ArtsFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Computer Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Computer Science (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Creative Engineering (BA/BEng)Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of EngineeringFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Data Science (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Digital.Design and Production (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeEnglish, GermanWinter Term
Electrical Engineering (BEng) - expiringBachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Energy Efficient Planning and Building (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Environmental and Process Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Industrial Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringWorking StudentsGermanWinter Term
Industrial Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringContinuing Education, Working StudentsGermanWinter Term
Information Systems (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Interactive Media (BA/BSc)Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
International Information Systems (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeEnglish, GermanWinter Term
International Management (BA)Bachelor of ArtsFull-timeEnglish, GermanWinter Term
International Management and Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeEnglish, GermanWinter Term
Mechanical Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Mechatronics (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Mechatronics (BEng) - expiringBachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Pageno DegreeOrientation YearGermanWinter Term
Pageno DegreeOrientation YearGermanWinter Term
Social Work (BA)Bachelor of ArtsFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Systems Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-time, Part-timeGermanWinter Term
Studierende in der Fakultät für Informatik.
Foto: hoch3media

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Studierende im Bachelorstudiengang Systems Engineering bei der praktischen Ausbildung. Foto: Studio Herzig Nördlingen