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Study Program


The Technical University of Applied Sciences Augsburg offers students the opportunity to gain specialist knowledge and social competence in seven faculties: Liberal Arts and Sciences, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Design, Computer Science, Mechanical and Process Engineering and Business Studies. Each faculty aims to prepare students to the highest standard for their future careers.

As a practically oriented university we offer, as well as our core Bachelor and Master Degrees, one part-time bachelor and two part-time master degree programs for people in full-time employment. We also offer trained working professionals, such as technicians, the option to attend a BA program in Industrial Engineering, compatible with their working lives. Our range of studies is flexible to suit the needs of our time and we use the latest teaching techniques.

Range of Courses

Showing 1-40 of 71 items.
Course of studiesDegreeArtLanguageStart of Studies
Additional Qualification in Environmental Engineering, Emission Control and Hazardous IncidentsCertificateCertificateGermanEvery Semester
Applied Research in Engineering Sciences (MSc)Master of ScienceFull-timeGermanEvery Semester
Architecture (BA)Bachelor of ArtsDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Architecture (MA)Masters of ArtsDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanEvery Semester
Business Administration (BA)Bachelor of ArtsFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Business Information Systems (MSc)Master of ScienceDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanEvery Semester
Business Psychology (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Certificate Basics of Industrial EngineeringCertificateWorking StudentsGermanWinter Term
Certificate in EthicsCertificateCertificateGermanEvery Semester
Certificate in Social CompetencesCertificateCertificateGermanEvery Semester
Certificate in Social CompetencesCertificateCertificateGermanSummer Term
Certificate of Intercultural Skills (ZIK)CertificateCertificateGermanEvery Semester
Civil Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Civil Engineering (MEng)Master of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-time, Part-timeGermanEvery Semester
Communication Design (BA)Bachelor of ArtsFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Computer Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Computer Science (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Computer Science (MSc) Master of ScienceDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanEvery Semester
Creative Engineering (BA/BEng)Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of EngineeringFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Customs and Foreign Trade ManagementCertificateWorking StudentsGermanWinter Term
Data Science (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Digital.Design and Production (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeEnglish, GermanWinter Term
Economist of Health and Social CareCertificateWorking StudentsGermannot specified
Electrical Engineering (BEng) - expiringBachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Electrical Engineering (MEng)Master of EngineeringFull-timeEnglish, GermanEvery Semester
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Energy Efficiency Design – E2D (MEng)Master of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanEvery Semester
Energy Efficient Planning and Building (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Environmental and Process Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-timeGermanWinter Term
Environmental and Process Engineering (MEng)Master of EngineeringDual cooperative study program, Full-time, Part-timeEnglish, GermanEvery Semester
Further Training Course in Environmental Engineering, Emission Control and Hazardous IncidentsCertificateContinuing EducationGermanEvery Semester
Human Resource Management (MSc)Masters of ArtsFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Identity Design (MA)Masters of ArtsFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Industrial Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringWorking StudentsGermanWinter Term
Industrial Engineering (BEng)Bachelor of EngineeringContinuing Education, Working StudentsGermanWinter Term
Industrial Safety and Security (MSc)Master of ScienceFull-time, Part-timeEnglish, GermanSummer Term
Information Systems (BSc)Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Integral Design and Construction of Timber BuildingsCertificateContinuing Education, Working StudentsGermanWinter Term
Interactive Media (BA/BSc)Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of ScienceFull-timeGermanWinter Term
Interactive Media Systems (MA)Masters of ArtsFull-timeEnglish, GermanEvery Semester
Hochschule Dual. Bayerns Netzwerk für duales Studieren.


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