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Showing 13-15 of 26 items.

DigiPÜB project in the MD PFLEGEFAKTISCH podcast

Nov 17, 2023

The CARE REGIO sub-projects were also presented as part of the PFLEGEFAKTISCH Prodcast series. In episode 153, Alexandra Teynor talks to Frank Kramer about the DigiPÜB project.

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CARE REGIO - PIO-ÜB Editor as open source package for download

Nov 1, 2023

As part of the DigiPÜB sub-project of the CARE REGIO joint research project, a prototype editor was developed and made open source on 1 November 2023. The editor enables nursing facilities to use the new standard for care transfer forms.

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Long Night of the Sciences Augsburg

Oct 12, 2023

HSA_ias @Long Night of Science Augsburg!

The team of the Institute for Agile Software Development (HSA_ias) had great fun at the Long Night of Science: there was a lot of interest in the topic "Digitisation for better health". Among other things, the research projects SMILe and DigiPÜB were pres...

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Awards and prizes